Monday, May 28, 2007

Happy Memorial Day

Here's Logan in the park next door, before he fell on his face for the second time today, and I had to pick dirt and bark out of his mouth. (The camera is forgiving, poor guy's a little beat up.)

Yesterday Logan attended his first Fire game of the season. It went really well. We weren't sure since he's all rambunctious and all over the place now, as opposed to falling asleep in the carrier on your chest like last year. He met some other Fire fans, and did a little flirting. That sweet shirt says "Who's the best?" - Those who attend Fire games know this is part of a chant the crazy guys at the end of the field do during games. The answer is "FIRE!" (Maybe not this season, but that's another story.)

Here's the boy all wired up at his new table - former site of Jumerpoo.
He's strictly big kid stuff these days.

And oh, at long last, here's Logan taking a forward-facing trip in the car. I've been waiting for this for at least 11 and 3/4 months.


Anonymous said...

ella can't wait for this day either! :)

Dii said...

Happy Birthday Logan! May god shower his choicest blessings on you !