Friday, March 30, 2007


Logan seems to like pretty much everything we give him to eat - even things that are unusually sour or tart.
Here he is participating in Starbuck's Evil "Start them before 1 year of age we surely have a customer for life, mwahahaha" plan - Pomegranate, please. Note the giant choppers...
And below, sucking away on a lime wedge.

shopping at target

Thursday, March 29, 2007

here comes trouble...

logan has discovered how to crawl over the cushions we use to barricade him from the chords. yesterday he decided there was a better way to turn off the lamp.

(*sorry about the sideways video, i don't have an movie editor on my computer yet)

Wednesday, March 28, 2007

the power struggle

Special thanks to Robbie Downs for sending Logan this awesome Jeep. He and Mascis absolutely love it. They both love it so much, they often fight over who gets to push it around!

Wednesday, March 21, 2007

Hi Video

Check out Logan saying Hi at

lala's quilts

Check out my lola's quilts - you can also link to them from the links section located in the left nav of my blog.
Perhaps a career in quilt modeling is in my future...

thanks lola, your quilts are the best!

Monday, March 19, 2007

visiting grammy and grandad

Logan spent the weekend visiting with his grandparents.
Here he is with Grandad, having a bottle after a day of playing.
It was a very exciting weekend as it was he also spent his first night alone without his parents.

first word, "hi"

Logan's first official intentional word is hi
Here he is telling the TV hi.
Video of Logan saying hi to come shortly.

making friends on the plane

Where are you from?
Do you like to travel?
So, do you fly to Dallas often?

First train ride on the CTA

Wednesday, March 14, 2007

We are crawling crazy

Logan and Mascis are both crawling, pulling up,
and getting into everything!

Friday, March 09, 2007


logan just got a text that there is a run on formula at the grocery store - oh no, what is he going to do! actually, he converting to a smartphone as his mom is peddling blackberries these days...

Thursday, March 08, 2007

9 months - new stats

weight 22 lbs 10 1/2 oz(80%)
height 29 1/2 " (85-90%)
head circumference 19" (>95%)

logan had his 9 mos doctor appointment this week and his head is literally off the charts. when they plotted it on the growth charts, we couldn't believe it.

check out the third photo, looks like the snaggle tooth has some company. two bottom teeth! the top ones are about to come in too, and then the biting will begin!

Wednesday, March 07, 2007

Ice Ice Baby

So this morning we were all in the bathroom, Logan was getting dried off from a bath, I'm shaving (electric) and we decide maybe we'll trim the hair over Logan's ears. Went pretty well at first - did a little on the right, little on the left, came back to the right and Logan ducked when he should have dodged, and I zigged when I should have zagged, and next thing you know, ZIP! he looks like Vanilla Ice.
Old School.
Next we're gonna trim an "L" into the back of his hair...


Logan's got this nasty habit of waking up early lately.
Well, nasty for me, but not necessarily for him as illustrated here:

Logan at 4:45 AM

Dad at 4:45 AM

Monday, March 05, 2007

Look how big we are

Just thought everyone should see how big these guys are now!

Sunday, March 04, 2007

camera shy? no sirreee, not me!

logan spots the camera is on...
he approaches quickly,
after close inspectionhe clears the smile

Saturday, March 03, 2007

welcome erica

we are so happy to welcome erica to our mix
the boys are already super excited everytime they see her
...and we are too!


logan loves stainless steel...because he can see himself in it.
he is up and about wandering along anything that he can pull up on and walk against in the house.