Wednesday, February 28, 2007

look who's mobile

logan loves practicing walking. he does it so much that he has been passing out in exhaustion the last few nights.

Saturday, February 24, 2007

help, get me out of here!

i'm stuck in the crib!
i'm not tired anymore!
pick me up!
this is how we found logan in his room when he was supposed to be napping.

logan loves mid century furniture

last week, i was crawling around.
this week, i am pulling up on all the furniture.
all the perfect height to pull up on.'s cold out here

last week there was snow everywhere. it melted and then it came back again. but that didn't stop logan and martin from taking a quick stroll around the block to get some fresh air.

Thursday, February 22, 2007


video of logan getting around...

also, the last video is also fixed

Tuesday, February 20, 2007

look in my mouth!

look how excited logan is. we thought teeth would never pop outta the kid's head. now one's out, and another's on the way. i uttered a secret phrase to sucker him into smiling real big like so i could snap a couple of pics of it.

...these are also good pics to have around just in case you happen to like smiling babies.

Saturday, February 17, 2007

the lo-down (get it?)

While we all await the end of winter, here's what's going on:

Logan has discovered the joy of a good cardboard box.

He'll pull himself up on just about anything that he can get hold of - Chairs are a popular option.

He's becoming pretty adept at giving himself his own bottle.

...looking a little alarmed, as Katie is taking off to go fiddle across the country (Good Luck Katie.)

And the ever popular bath time - he's graduated to full on adult-size-tubbing.

Here's a little footage of Logan organizing CD's, another one of his new favorite pastimes.

Wednesday, February 14, 2007


Logan and Mascis have discovered each other and are now playing together.
Here they are having a nice round of volleyball...

and thinking about their how they are going to start their first band together...

happy valentine's day

Happy Valentines Day!
From Logan and Us Magazine...

Sunday, February 11, 2007

here comes trouble

this may be the end of all the plants in the house

as logan has figured out how to pull himself up...

Wednesday, February 07, 2007

looks innocent, huh?

Before Logan took my hat and scarf from me, he managed to pull himself up to standing using the couch. While I was writing this post, he managed to go from crawling around on his belly to sitting up - I don't know exactly how he managed that one - I didn't see him do it.

Uh oh.

capers, hijinx, whatnot

here are acouple of videos -
logan blabbering at the rice cooker

and his ongoing pursuit of my slippers